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May 1, 2024
May 1, 2024

🌟👷‍♀️👷‍♂️ Happy International Labour Day! 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️🌟

As we celebrate the hard work and dedication of workers worldwide, let’s also reflect on the pillars that sustain our organizations:

  1. Quality:
    • Strive for excellence in everything you do. Quality isn’t just about meeting specifications; it’s about exceeding expectations and delivering value to your customers.
    • Implement robust quality management systems to ensure consistent performance and customer satisfaction.
  2. Health:
    • Your workforce is your most valuable asset. Prioritize their well-being. Safe and healthy employees are more productive and engaged.
    • Regular health check-ups, ergonomic workspaces, and mental health support contribute to a thriving workforce.
  3. Safety:
    • Safety isn’t an option; it’s a necessity. Every worker deserves to return home safely at the end of the day.
    • Invest in safety training, hazard assessments, and preventive measures. A safe workplace boosts morale and productivity.
  4. Environment:
    • Be stewards of the Earth. Integrate environmental considerations into your operations.
    • Reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote sustainable practices. Our planet sustains us—let’s protect it.

Why Choose Prosafe Consultancy?

🤝 Prosafe Consultancy specializes in QHSE services. Here’s why they’re the ideal partner:

  1. Expertise: Prosafe’s team brings extensive knowledge in QHSE. They tailor solutions to your unique needs.
  2. Compliance: Stay compliant with regulations. Prosafe keeps you informed and helps you meet legal requirements.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Prosafe fosters a culture of improvement. They’ll guide you toward excellence.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Identify and mitigate risks effectively. Prosafe’s proactive approach ensures safety.

Remember, QHSE isn’t just a checkbox—it’s a commitment to your people, your clients, and our shared future. Choose safety, choose Prosafe!

Wishing you all a safe, productive, and joyful International Labour Day! 🎉🌟

February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024

The following shall be adhered on construction site according to;

  1. Contractors Registration Act CAP R.E 2002.
  2. The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2003.
  • A construction site shall publicly have a displayed project signboard and a registered contractor(s) of the relevant type of works.
  • A construction site having workers shall be equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE’s) like helmets, boots, overall, gloves, dust masks, google, safety belts depending on nature of the works.
  • A construction site shall be well sealed off such that hoarding, netting and/ or fencing is adequately provided.
  • Appropriate road signs and directives to traffic and other users of the road under construction shall be displayed.
  • A building construction site in which the contractor appearing on the signboard practically shall be carrying out the works.
  • Any construction site shall not pose a threat to loss of life and/or property damage.
  • The construction site shall be fully equipped to deal with fire accidents
  • There must be of appropriate hygienic facilities (toilet, wash basin et)

Unlock success with Prosafe Consultancy Limited, your trusted partner for ensuring seamless compliance with laws and regulations. Elevate your construction projects with our expert Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment (QHSE) consultation services, guaranteeing a foundation of excellence. Choose Prosafe Consultancy Limited for a future where compliance meets construction seamlessly.”


December 27, 2023
December 27, 2023
  • Reduced back and neck pain.
  • Improved breathing and digestion
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Reduced headaches
  • Improved blood circulation